Contraindications for Whole Body Lymphatic Drainage Treatment
Absolute Contraindications for whole body work – must not receive MLD treatment at all
1. Congestive heart failure or any major heart problems
2. Decompensated heart failure
3. Cardiac edema
4. Cellulitis
5. Acute inflammation caused by pathogenic germs (bacteria, fungi or viruses)
6. Kidney disease or failure
7. Acute deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or any thrombosis at risk of causing an embolism
8. Phlebitis – or other venous obstructions
9. Acute infections or fevers
10. Edemas of unknown origin
11. Any condition that could be made worse by enhancing fluid movement
Relative Contraindications for whole body work – must have medical clearance from attending physician IN WRITING
1. Metastatic or Systemic malignant conditions
2. Edema following carcinoma treatment
3. Chronic inflammation
4. Bronchial asthma
5. Hypotension
6. Diabetes or other kidney complications
7. Leukemia
8. Lymphoma
9. Chemotherapy
10. Certain Medications – give complete list to Therapist prior to first Session and update on any prior session each time
Contraindications for Cervical Lymphatic Drainage Treatment
Absolute Contraindications for Neck Treatment – must not receive treatment on the neck only
1. Hyperthyroidism – overactive thyroid function
2. Carotid Sinus Hypersensitivity – overly sensitive carotid sinus
3. Cardiac Arrhythmia
Relative Contraindications for Neck Treatment – must have medical clearance from attending physician IN WRITING
1. Over 60 years of age to rule out arteriosclerosis. Arteriosclerotic deposits might loosen from the inside wall of the neck arteries and block a blood vessel leading to the brain indicating a danger of a stroke.
Contraindications for Abdominal Lymphatic Drainage Treatment
Absolute Contraindications for Abdominal Treatment – must not receive treatment on abdomen
1. Pregnancy
2. Menstruation
3. Seizures
4. Blocked intestines
5. Intestinal diverticulosis
6. Abdominal aortic aneurysm
7. Inflammation of the intestines
8. Pronounced adhesions in abdomen due to surgical intervention
9. Radiation cystitis
10. Radiation colitis
11. Pelvic Deep Vein Thrombosis